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Not all virtual learning is the same

The COVID-19 environment has severely impacted how we deliver effective learning and it is widely reported that one of the first things to suffer during times of business pressure is building the capability of people. Understandably, companies focus on dealing with the business challenges at hand. So, under these circumstances, training is not necessarily seen […]

One simple question – has it been a successful year?

Welcome to inuRE’s final blog of the year. A time for reflection! Like many, I had the desire to communicate something profound and reflective, something that encapsulates the past year. So, I felt a certain degree of pressure, as I wanted to communicate something that gives pause for thought, without being superficial. I thought about […]

Delivering effective group training in Asia Pacific

Over the last 20 years I have developed and delivered professional training programmes all over the world. During the last 10 years, the focus of my programmes has been throughout the Asia Pacific region. This experience has given me the opportunity to acquire invaluable learning that supports me to develop and deliver ‘best practice’ training […]

The Tuvalu experience

Tuvalu, a relatively unknown nation, has been in the news a lot this last month, as the Pacific Island Forum 2019 was held there. It got me thinking about my trip there during February 2018, when I worked with the Tuvalu Government (the Department of Climate Change Policy & Disaster Coordination Unit). IMG_3313.JPG Back in […]

Building relationships – striking a balance between traditional and digital communication

In the push to generate and develop business, the simple things can often be overlooked. From my time (15+ years) working in the London Market, I learned the value of doing business face-to-face. Despite rapidly emerging communication technologies, doing business face-to-face, wherever possible, continues to be something I prioritise and value today.  Communicating risk In […]

A week in Kiribati

Where & what is Kiribati? Kiribati (the Republic of Kiribati) is a sovereign state in the central Pacific Ocean with a population of around 110,000. It consists of 32 islands (atolls and reefs) covering a huge area of 3.5km2. I visited the main island of Tarawa in October 2018 and June 2019. This was not […]

The power of simulations – learning by doing.

By: Peter Phillips, CEO, Unicorn Training (https://www.unicorntraining.com) How did you learn to walk, drive a car, and play your current favorite video game? Through “trial and error” of course. You may well have got some useful guidance along the way from a parent, teacher, expert coach, a YouTube video or even when all else fails, […]

So, you need training. What now?

The word ‘training’ means different things to people. For some, it is a matter of ensuring compliance and adherence to required standards and regulations. For others, it is a critical and integrated part of career development. For the trainer – at the risk of stating the obvious – it’s about clearly understanding both the requirements […]

Starting a Business

It was September 2016 and I was weighing up my options. Do I stick with the relative security of a career in a large corporate? Or do I take a step right out of my comfort zone and start my own business? How did I get to this point in the first place? After 21 […]